In-Person Appointments
Approximately 90 minutes / $165 per session
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Please allow an additional ½ hour when making your first appointment to complete your initial full-medical intake.
A minimum of three of the following Traditional Chinese Medicine modalities are chosen for each in-person appointment:
Acupuncture & Acupressure
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[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”606″ alt=”Ahonui Acupuncture” width=”100″ autoHeight=”true”]
[/one_sixth] [five_sixth_last]Acupuncture originates from China where it has been practiced for thousands of years. Used to maintain homeostasis, alleviate pain, and treat a variety of physical, mental, and emotional conditions, acupuncture has become widely practiced in the West and acknowledged by the United States National Institutes of Health and the World Health Organization as a safe and effective… Read more >>[/five_sixth_last]
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[image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”607″ alt=”Ahonui Moxibustion” width=”100″ autoHeight=”true”]
[/one_sixth][five_sixth_last]Used to warm acupuncture points with the intention of stimulating circulation and inducing a smoother flow of blood and qi.[/five_sixth_last]
Chinese Herbal Therapies
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[one_sixth][image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”608″ alt=”Chinese Herbal Therapies” width=”100″ autoHeight=”true”][/one_sixth][five_sixth_last]Herbal therapies are an effective way to strengthen a person’s general state of health and can be taken internally as a pill, powder, or tincture, and as a decocted tea. They may also be applied as a poultice for a sprain, bruise, or fracture. Chinese medicinal herbs consist of a combination of twigs, roots, flowers, leaves, stems, crystals, shells, and other herbs, that have been formulated specifically for…. Read more >>[/five_sixth_last]
Chinese Medical & Sports Medicine Massage ~ Zheng Gu Tui Na
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[one_sixth][image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”611″ alt=”Tui Na Massage” width=”100″ autoHeight=”true”] [/one_sixth] [five_sixth_last]
Zheng means to correct. Gu means the bone. Tui means to push. Na means to grasp. Zheng Gu Tui Na, an extremely beneficial Chinese medical massage and independent healing system founded by Tom Bisio and Frank Butler, combines the typical Chinese Medical Massage of Tui Na, “pushing and grasping,” with the ancient art form of Zheng Gu, “bone setting,” thus making it a highly effective… Read more >>[/five_sixth_last]
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[one_sixth] [image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”612″ alt=”Ahonui Cupping” width=”100″ autoHeight=”true”] [/one_sixth] [five_sixth_last]Cupping is used to promote circulation while removing stagnation and releasing tight muscle tissue. Once applied to a large muscle area, for example, the back, skin is lifted so that fascia may release in a therapeutic manner. After the cups are applied, it may be used diagnostically to determine if there is qi or blood stagnation or cold lodged in the channels. Read more >>[/five_sixth_last]
Gua Sha
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[one_sixth][image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”915″ alt=”Ahonui Gua Sha” align=”left” width=”100″ autoHeight=”true”] [/one_sixth] [five_sixth_last]
Gua means to scrape/rub and Sha is the term used for the rash that occurs as a result of the scraping. This modality promoted blood circulation, removes blood stagnation, and reduces pain. Used to treat, as well as prevent, the common cold, flu, bronchitis, and asthma, it is especially effective when used in conjunction with cupping and acupuncture to relieve fevers and inflammation… Read more >>[/five_sixth_last]
Cranial Sacral Therapy
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[one_sixth] [image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”615″ alt=”Cranial Sacral Therapy” width=”100″ autoHeight=”true”] [/one_sixth] [five_sixth_last]Thought to be the deepest, most relaxing massage, cranial sacral therapy works with the rhythm of the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) found within the cranium and spinal column. Cranial energy work can be used to break up blockages, calm the spirit, address old emotional patterns, and/or address orthopaedic and internal bodily… Read more >>[/five_sixth_last]
Qigong for Longevity & Rehabilitation
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[one_sixth][image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”616″ alt=”Qigong” width=”100″ autoHeight=”true”] [/one_sixth] [five_sixth_last]
Qigong is an ancient Chinese health care system that integrates physical postures, breathing techniques, and focused intention. Aftercare plays an essential role throughout your treatment program and provides you with the necessary tools to prolong the benefits of each Ahonui Healing session. Read more >>[/five_sixth_last]
Life Directional Coaching
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[one_sixth] [image source_type=”attachment_id” source_value=”617″ alt=”Life Directional Coaching” width=”100″ autoHeight=”true”][/one_sixth] [five_sixth_last] Connecting you with your soul’s journey, Wanda shares intuitive insights providing clarity for your life’s direction. [/five_sixth_last]
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